Let say you have set up your pro-store or ebay listing to sell Baby Strollers. You are getting 100 to 200 views on that listing but no sale. Turn it into profit by linking an affiliate like Baby Universe to that listing. See, if 1% of that traffic turns into a sale at a affiliate site you could make 20-30 dollars in commission.
The point I'm making on this, is that some people may want to buy brick and mortor, some will buy e-bay some people are just browsers. Make what ever you are selling attractive, but you can always turn browsers into buyers and generate commision, if your product sells and you also sell commission goods than your laughing.
Remember, It's always best to try and sell what is a hot item. Do some research on which ever products you feel worth risking your hard earned money.
Ebay posts a great sellers website that has the previous months HOT items. These may not translate and carry month over month, but some of it can be trend forcasted. Some of it carrys month to month. Some carries seasonal from year to year.
http://pages.ebay.com/sellercentral/whatshot.html Just a little gift! Everyone starts somewhere and ebay has done a pretty decent job at making tools available to make you successful. If you make money, ebay makes money. Ebay is in the business to make money!
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