- Setup a hosting service with a website hosting company.
- Create a blog with and use the advanced option to save to your own website ftp (file transfer server)
If you are asking why you shouldn't just use blogger to host the blog you can. But your own site comes in hand for other ways to add to your income stream. I'll get into that later.
Biggest reason for having your site host the blog is that you can include the sites blog into many more search engines that limit the amount of submission from site names. will hit it's max on engines like MSN live search before you ever get it added.
- Create an account at (Commission Junction) or LinkShare or Red Goloshes.
Now that you have a blog setup. Now you need to pick topics to write about. The more you write about a topic you know. The more text that is added, the more "FOOD" for the search engines to chew up.
- Write your head off! And embed links into your blog articles. If you are writting about brand new cars.. link it.
- Submit your site to the search engines.
This idea takes time, lots of work and isn't a get rich idea. This is about writing about topics you know about, linking to affiliate products that are products that your reader base would find useful and would actually buy.
Remember, the more content that is new, fresh, unique. The more the search engines will love you. Yahoo and Google spend plenty of time and effort in matching duplicate text and driving those pages to the bottom of the index.
Domain names that contain your topic and keywords that you build into your template also help with search engine opt. The more time you spend creating quality articles the more you will hopefully earn as a result.
Now.. a little hint. Find a good keyword tool and do some research on those keywords.
Yahoo Domain names, drugs, mortgages, loans, Yahoo Domain Registration have higher CPC than others, but the competition is so flooded you could never successfully use these to make money as you'll never make past the hords of wanna make money folks out there using them.
Try making several blogs on easy topics to write about. Pets, Family, Kids, Photograpy, Schooling, Sports, Collectables.. I'm sure you'll find great products to link to. You might even make enough to go out for a nice dinner once a month.
It's not about getting rich, but making a profit and enjoying what your doing.