Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Google Adwords, Write better Ad Copy.

Your goal when writing your ad on google is CTR that converts right?

Use trigger words that most closely match what you expect from a click thru..

  • Buy
  • Subscribe
  • Review

When writing an add use descriptive tags

  • How to
  • Download
  • Try

And Adwords Ad is 5 Parts.. Lets say your selling old movies

The Headline.

1.The Headline should be a four or five word attraction.

Get 5 Old Movies Now

You cannot use punctuation in the Headline, you must not use !!! or ???.

2. Line 2 and 3 are your reel.

Fantastic Deal on Hollywoods

Best Movies, Many Categories!

3. Line 4 is your Display URL. This url must be exactly the same as the final destination, Watch the Capitalizations.

4. This is the action URL, it can be the same as the destination, or to a landing page, or even an affilate html link.


When you write you ad copy keep in mind to use your main keywords in the Headline.

Use Broad match and Exact matching options matching the headline keywords

[Get Old Movies]

"Get Old Movies"

Also add negative keywords. Your goal is to get Click thru's that convert

-free (stops people search for free old movies)

-new releases for sale

Another Tip, Google adwords has a great keyword tool to help you pick keywords, you can use tools like keyword elite to expand them and find the misspelled version of those keywords.

Last Tip. Start off low.. Move up your CPC on both Content and Search Max CPC. You can gain traffic and sales from the content network, but you'll need to watch closely.. Or you can use google to manage your CPC for you. Just set a monthly budget and they will try to get you the most clicks within your budget.

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